HLT Area Panel Actions List


Date Raised





May 2021 Area Panel

Service Harmonisation - Repairs Schedules – how elements of the budget are allocated and non-urgent work prioritised and timescales for repairs generally. Justine Harris agreed to look into the specific queries raised and then report back.


Justine Harris

Verbal update to be provided at the next area panel meeting.


March 2021 Area Panel

Surveyor and Contractor agreed to bring a list to including data regarding the maintenance plan to share with residents back to a future Area Panel.

Marcus Richardson



May 2021 Area Panel

Watering Arrangements for planting provided on estates. Agreed that this should not involve costs to tenants’ i.e., on their water bill. Agreed that Rob, Justine and Janet would explore:


Provision of outdoor taps/water butts (enabling rainwater to be re-cycled)


Agreed that access to water needed to be secure and vandal proof – lockable cages to taps? .

Rob Keelan

Justine Harris

Janet Dowdell

Albert Donnelly

Watering arrangements for planting are being considered via the Environment Improvement Budget. This includes the reinstallation of taps with lockable cages and provision of outdoor water butts. A verbal update will be provided at the meeting.


March 2021 Area Panel

Provide a summary of Housing Managers actions for May Area Panel

Robert Keelan
